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Alessio Cataldo


I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in 2017 at the University of Palermo, in Italy, and my Master’s Degree in September 2019 at the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark.

During my Master project, I focused on the development of anion transmembrane transporters under the supervision of Prof. Michael Pittelkow from the University of Copenhagen and Prof. Phil Gale from the University of Sydney, in Australia.

In October 2019, I obtained a FRIA grant and joined the EMNS as PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Hennie Valkenier.

Research interests

My research project is focused on the development of anion receptors and transmembrane transporters.

See the thematic Ion transport across lipid bilayers


Voltage‐Switchable HCl Transport Enabled by Lipid Headgroup–Transporter Interactions
Xin Wu, Jennifer R. Small, Alessio Cataldo, Anne M. Withecombe, Peter Turner, Philip A. Gale. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, Vol 131, pp. 15286-15291.

Functionalization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles through one-pot co-condensation in w/o emulsion
A. Gottuso, F. Armetta, A. Cataldo, V. M. Nardo, F. Parrino and M. L. Saladino, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 2022, 335, 111833.

Transmembrane Transport of Fluoride Studied by Time-Resolved Emission Spectroscopy
Alessio Cataldo, Matúš Chvojka, Gyeongjin Park, Vladimír Šindelář, François P. Gabbaï, Stephen J. Butler and Hennie Valkenier, Chem. Commun. (2023)


I am an assistant (handling labs and exercises) for the course of Organic Chemistry taught to MA1 students in the Chemical and Materials Engineering Master degree of the Bruface program.

Updated on March 17, 2023