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Mounsef Lahboubi
Mounsef studied chemistry at the Université libre de Bruxelles. In 2017, he joined the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (LCO) as a master student working under the supervision of Prof. Gwilherm Evano on the synthesis of biologically relevant deuterated amines. In 2018, he started his Ph.D. thesis in the group of Prof. Evano where his work focused on the development of new copper‑catalyzed reaction and on the chemistry of ynamides. In 2021, he joined the EMNS lab under the co-supervision of Prof. Nathalie Vaeck (SQUARES) and Prof. Kristin Bartik where his current research focuses on the design of receptors for the binding of anions through halogen bonding in water.
Mounsef is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Science. He’s currently supervising exercises sessions and labs of the following courses:
CHIMF-101: Chimie Générale; CHIMF-102: Chimie Organique I; CHIMF-204: Chimie Organique II